For me, going to the gym or a class can just take too much time out of my morning, and so I wanted to give you a glimpse at my morning workout routine– in the most efficient and effective way possible!! The key to this blog is my in-home morning workout to save me time. And a lot of girls ask me this main question when contemplating an in-home workout – “How the heck do you have the motivation to workout in your own house?!”
And I TOTALLY get it. It can be so hard to get up off the couch or out of bed to workout in your living room or bedroom. But I’m telling you- YOU CAN DO IT!
Here’s my routine when I workout at home, and it only takes around 45 minutes total.
FIRST off, don’t snooze your alarm. I learned this from Gary Vee (love his motivational tips), and I know it sounds so simple, but I used to press snooze like 3-4 times before I got up. I actually became less motivated each snooze, but when I get up on the first alarm, I wake up right away.
Next, chug water. You want to start your morning with water water water, because the last 8 hours or so, you haven’t had any!!
Then, schedule your workout. I want to know whether you’re working out at 6 am or 6 pm. Schedule your in home workout just as if it were a class. This helps get you to jump to it. I use my Alexa to time my workout, and let me know how much time I have until I have to get out the door.
By reading this blog post, I’m also sure you guys know I love to film my workouts. I love this for a few different reasons. I actually look back at some videos and actually motivate myself. I like to watch my form in some of the moves. I like looking at progress from older videos to new ones. For some weird reason (as a TV host maybe I guess..) I perform better and stronger when I am recording. I love using the Echo Look when doing this- because it makes it SO easy to start recording without wasting time. And of course- part of my job is posting my workouts to social media, so this makes it SOOO efficient to film my workouts.
Then speaking of progress and the Echo Look, take before and after photos of yourself. Looking at other people’s photos of how fit they are won’t really do much to me except maybe make me feel bad about myself. When I look at progress pictures of MYSELF, it helps motivate me to see where I am at. Again, the Echo Look is the perfect way to take these progress photos. I think they are so important to your fitness journey!!
Then- a good workout outfit. I need something to get me out of bed. Something I feel strong in, and comfortable. I like feeling like a badass, even in my own home. I love this outfit
from Under Armour because I feel just that! Plan your outfit ahead of time, lay it out on your bed, and so if you’re working out in the morning, you can just throw it on.
Sports Bra
Next THE ACTUAL WORKOUT: plan your workout so you know exactly what you’re doing before you start. This will save you a lot of time, because if I don’t have my exercises planned out this is where I lose most of my time- figuring out what the heckity I’m going to do.
Press play to one of my vids, or create a little circuit in your own house. Set a timer, and get to it.
Now for the post workout- I make a smoothie. I love a morning workout, and so I make a good protein berry drink before I shower and get ready for my day. To REALLY save time, I can meal prep my smoothie ingredients the night before – put the fruits and veggies in a little baggy in the freezer, then just throw it in a blender with some almond milk, etc. Takes maybe 2 minutes tops in the AM.
All of this literally only takes less than an hour, less amount of time than driving to the gym, getting there and working out. Or a class.
Then you have that extra time in the morning to get ready for your day. I do a quick face wash and a light makeup touch up, then I am out the door!
I’m ALL about practical workouts, and saving you time. Hope this blog post helps motivate you to get your DAY STARTED RIGHT!!!