
Katie Austin

Vegetarian Mediterranean Style Bowls

Vegetarian Mediterranean Style Bowls

The ingredients (makes 3 servings):

2 cups cooked quinoa

3 cups arugula

1/2 cup red onion, diced

1 cup diced cucumber

1 cup diced tomatoes

1 cup chickpeas (seasonings for chickpeas: 1/2 tsp garlic powder, 1/2 tsp paprika and 1 tbsp olive oil)

3 tbsp tzatziki mixed with 1/2 tbsp water (I know this might sound weird, but I like to add a little bit of water to mine because it gives it more of a dressing-like consistency!)

3 tbsp feta 

1 tbsp olive oil

Juice from 1/2 lemon

The recipe:

Cook quinoa according to package

Next, rinse and drain 1 can of chickpeas and pat dry. Then add the chickpeas to a baking sheet and add garlic powder, paprika and olive oil. Bake at 400 degrees for ~12-15 minutes or until your chickpeas have started to get crispy! You can cook them for longer too if you like them extra crispy.

Next, wash and dice up all of your veggies. Don’t forget to wash your arugula, as well!

When the quinoa and chickpeas are done, it’s time to start building your bowl: add 1/2 cup cooked quinoa, 1 cup of a arugula and 1/3 of all of the diced veggies in a bowl. Top each bowl with a drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon. You could add some salt and pepper here too!

Then top with 1 tbsp of feta and 1/3 of the watered down tzatziki.